Real-Time Updates on KLM Flight KL1294

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Flight Information for KL1294

Departure AirportFlightArrival AirportStatusFlight DateEstimated Departure TimeEstimated Arrival Time
Billund Airport (BLL) KL1294Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS)Scheduled13-11-202411:0512:15
Billund Airport (BLL) KL1294Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS)Scheduled12-11-202411:0512:15
Billund Airport (BLL) KL1294Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS)Scheduled11-11-202411:0512:15
Billund Airport (BLL) KL1294Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS)Scheduled10-11-202411:0512:15
Billund Airport (BLL) KL1294Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS)Scheduled09-11-202411:0512:15
Billund Airport (BLL) KL1294Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS)Scheduled08-11-202411:0512:15
Billund Airport (BLL) KL1294Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS)Scheduled07-11-202411:0512:15
Billund Airport (BLL) KL1294Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS)Scheduled06-11-202411:0512:15
Billund Airport (BLL) KL1294Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS)Estimated dep 12:1505-11-202411:0512:15
Billund Airport (BLL) KL1294Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS)Landed 13:0604-11-202411:0512:15
Billund Airport (BLL) KL1294Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS)Landed 13:0803-11-202411:0512:15
Billund Airport (BLL) KL1294Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS)Landed 13:0302-11-202411:0512:15
Billund Airport (BLL) KL1294Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS)Landed 13:2001-11-202411:0512:15
Billund Airport (BLL) KL1294Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS)Landed 13:0630-10-202411:0512:15
Billund Airport (BLL) KL1294Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS)Landed 13:0529-10-202411:0512:15

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