Find Details on WestJet Flight WS1449

645428 1726493697

Flight Information for WS1449

Departure AirportFlightArrival AirportStatusFlight DateEstimated Departure TimeEstimated Arrival Time
Las Vegas Harry Reid International Airport (LAS) WS1449Edmonton International Airport (YEG)Scheduled04-01-202504:2507:42
Las Vegas Harry Reid International Airport (LAS) WS1449Edmonton International Airport (YEG)Scheduled03-01-202504:2507:42
Las Vegas Harry Reid International Airport (LAS) WS1449Edmonton International Airport (YEG)Scheduled01-01-202504:2507:42
Las Vegas Harry Reid International Airport (LAS) WS1449Edmonton International Airport (YEG)Scheduled31-12-202404:2507:42
Las Vegas Harry Reid International Airport (LAS) WS1449Edmonton International Airport (YEG)Estimated dep 20:2530-12-202404:2507:42
Las Vegas Harry Reid International Airport (LAS) WS1449Edmonton International Airport (YEG)Estimated dep 21:2528-12-202404:2507:42
Las Vegas Harry Reid International Airport (LAS) WS1449Edmonton International Airport (YEG)Landed 01:4727-12-202404:2507:42
Las Vegas Harry Reid International Airport (LAS) WS1449Edmonton International Airport (YEG)Landed 23:5025-12-202404:2507:42
Las Vegas Harry Reid International Airport (LAS) WS1449Edmonton International Airport (YEG)Landed 00:0724-12-202404:2507:42
Las Vegas Harry Reid International Airport (LAS) WS1449Edmonton International Airport (YEG)Landed 00:4123-12-202404:2507:42
Las Vegas Harry Reid International Airport (LAS) WS1449Edmonton International Airport (YEG)Landed 00:1721-12-202404:2507:42

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