Find Details on Alaska Airlines Flight AS197

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Flight Information for AS197

Departure AirportFlightArrival AirportStatusFlight DateEstimated Departure TimeEstimated Arrival Time
Portland International Airport (PDX) AS197Anchorage Ted Stevens International Airport (ANC)Scheduled03-01-202506:1009:57
Portland International Airport (PDX) AS197Anchorage Ted Stevens International Airport (ANC)Scheduled02-01-202506:1009:57
Portland International Airport (PDX) AS197Anchorage Ted Stevens International Airport (ANC)Scheduled31-12-202406:1009:57
Portland International Airport (PDX) AS197Anchorage Ted Stevens International Airport (ANC)Scheduled30-12-202406:1009:57
Portland International Airport (PDX) AS197Anchorage Ted Stevens International Airport (ANC)Estimated dep 21:3229-12-202405:3209:19
Portland International Airport (PDX) AS197Anchorage Ted Stevens International Airport (ANC)Scheduled28-12-202406:1009:57
Portland International Airport (PDX) AS197Anchorage Ted Stevens International Airport (ANC)Estimated dep 22:1027-12-202406:1009:57
Portland International Airport (PDX) AS197Anchorage Ted Stevens International Airport (ANC)Estimated dep 22:1026-12-202406:1009:57
Portland International Airport (PDX) AS197Anchorage Ted Stevens International Airport (ANC)Landed 00:3124-12-202406:1009:57
Portland International Airport (PDX) AS197Anchorage Ted Stevens International Airport (ANC)Landed 01:2623-12-202406:1009:57
Portland International Airport (PDX) AS197Anchorage Ted Stevens International Airport (ANC)Landed 00:2122-12-202405:3209:19
Portland International Airport (PDX) AS197Anchorage Ted Stevens International Airport (ANC)Landed 00:4021-12-202406:1009:57
Portland International Airport (PDX) AS197Anchorage Ted Stevens International Airport (ANC)Landed 01:1120-12-202406:1009:57
Portland International Airport (PDX) AS197Anchorage Ted Stevens International Airport (ANC)Landed 01:1619-12-202406:5010:43

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