Check Sky Airline Flight H2402 Status

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Flight Information for H2402

Departure AirportFlightArrival AirportStatusFlight DateEstimated Departure TimeEstimated Arrival Time
Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC) H2402Santiago International Airport (SCL)Scheduled04-01-202517:5719:40
Punta Arenas International Airport (PUQ) H2402Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC)Scheduled04-01-202514:4016:57
Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC) H2402Santiago International Airport (SCL)Scheduled03-01-202517:5719:40
Punta Arenas International Airport (PUQ) H2402Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC)Scheduled03-01-202514:4016:57
Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC) H2402Santiago International Airport (SCL)Scheduled02-01-202517:5919:42
Punta Arenas International Airport (PUQ) H2402Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC)Scheduled02-01-202514:4216:59
Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC) H2402Santiago International Airport (SCL)Scheduled31-12-202418:5820:41
Punta Arenas International Airport (PUQ) H2402Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC)Scheduled31-12-202415:4618:03
Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC) H2402Santiago International Airport (SCL)Scheduled30-12-202418:3820:21
Punta Arenas International Airport (PUQ) H2402Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC)Scheduled30-12-202415:2617:43
Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC) H2402Santiago International Airport (SCL)Scheduled29-12-202418:3820:21
Punta Arenas International Airport (PUQ) H2402Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC)Scheduled29-12-202415:2617:43
Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC) H2402Santiago International Airport (SCL)Scheduled28-12-202419:0520:48
Punta Arenas International Airport (PUQ) H2402Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC)Scheduled28-12-202416:1318:30
Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC) H2402Santiago International Airport (SCL)Scheduled27-12-202418:3820:21
Punta Arenas International Airport (PUQ) H2402Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC)Scheduled27-12-202415:2617:43
Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC) H2402Santiago International Airport (SCL)Estimated dep 15:2726-12-202418:2720:10
Punta Arenas International Airport (PUQ) H2402Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC)Landed 14:3126-12-202415:1517:32
Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC) H2402Santiago International Airport (SCL)Landed 21:3925-12-202419:3221:15
Punta Arenas International Airport (PUQ) H2402Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC)Landed 19:1725-12-202416:1318:30
Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC) H2402Santiago International Airport (SCL)Landed 18:0424-12-202419:2821:11
Punta Arenas International Airport (PUQ) H2402Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC)Landed 15:2424-12-202416:1618:33
Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC) H2402Santiago International Airport (SCL)Landed 17:1023-12-202418:3620:19
Punta Arenas International Airport (PUQ) H2402Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC)Landed 14:4823-12-202415:2417:41
Puerto Montt El Tepual Airport (PMC) H2402Santiago International Airport (SCL)Landed 18:1622-12-202418:3820:21

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