Air Canada Flight AC1519 Information

840609 1724036901 4

Flight Information for AC1519

Departure AirportFlightArrival AirportStatusFlight DateEstimated Departure TimeEstimated Arrival Time
St. John's International Airport (YYT) AC1519Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport (YUL)Scheduled06-01-202509:0012:10
St. John's International Airport (YYT) AC1519Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport (YUL)Scheduled05-01-202509:0012:10
St. John's International Airport (YYT) AC1519Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport (YUL)Scheduled04-01-202509:0012:10
St. John's International Airport (YYT) AC1519Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport (YUL)Scheduled03-01-202509:0012:10
St. John's International Airport (YYT) AC1519Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport (YUL)Scheduled02-01-202509:0012:10
St. John's International Airport (YYT) AC1519Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport (YUL)Scheduled01-01-202509:0012:10
St. John's International Airport (YYT) AC1519Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport (YUL)Scheduled31-12-202409:0012:10
St. John's International Airport (YYT) AC1519Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport (YUL)Scheduled30-12-202409:0012:10
St. John's International Airport (YYT) AC1519Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport (YUL)Estimated dep 05:3029-12-202409:0012:10
St. John's International Airport (YYT) AC1519Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport (YUL)Landed 07:0828-12-202409:0012:10
St. John's International Airport (YYT) AC1519Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport (YUL)Landed 07:1327-12-202409:0012:10
St. John's International Airport (YYT) AC1519Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport (YUL)Landed 07:1026-12-202409:0012:10
St. John's International Airport (YYT) AC1519Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport (YUL)Landed 07:0525-12-202409:0012:10
St. John's International Airport (YYT) AC1519Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport (YUL)Landed 07:0124-12-202409:0012:10
St. John's International Airport (YYT) AC1519Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport (YUL)Landed 07:0123-12-202409:0012:10
St. John's International Airport (YYT) AC1519Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport (YUL)Landed 08:0422-12-202409:0012:10

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