Real-Time Updates on Qantas Flight QF1422

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Flight Information for QF1422

Departure AirportFlightArrival AirportStatusFlight DateEstimated Departure TimeEstimated Arrival Time
Canberra International Airport (CBR) QF1422Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport (SYD)Scheduled01-01-202520:0521:00
Canberra International Airport (CBR) QF1422Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport (SYD)Scheduled31-12-202420:0521:00
Canberra International Airport (CBR) QF1422Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport (SYD)Scheduled30-12-202420:0521:00
Canberra International Airport (CBR) QF1422Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport (SYD)Scheduled29-12-202420:0521:00
Canberra International Airport (CBR) QF1422Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport (SYD)Scheduled27-12-202420:0521:00
Canberra International Airport (CBR) QF1422Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport (SYD)Scheduled26-12-202420:0521:00
Canberra International Airport (CBR) QF1422Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport (SYD)Landed 07:3625-12-202420:0521:00
Canberra International Airport (CBR) QF1422Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport (SYD)Landed 07:4124-12-202420:0521:00
Canberra International Airport (CBR) QF1422Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport (SYD)Landed 07:5423-12-202420:0521:00
Canberra International Airport (CBR) QF1422Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport (SYD)Landed 08:2722-12-202420:0521:00
Canberra International Airport (CBR) QF1422Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport (SYD)Landed 07:5919-12-202420:0521:00

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